My four character strengths are: critical thinking, curiosity, creativity and love of learning. I am currently honing my critical thinking and making use of my curiosity and creativity in the pursuit of a PhD as part of my employment at Zenseact. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my kids and my life partner, Cecilia. We live in a house in Pixbo together with our two cats, two bunnies and a small flock of chickens. My creativity is further expressed through music (especially singing) and photography and enjoy reading to feed my curiosity and love of learning. While absorbing (and hopefully creating?) knowledge and insights I also enjoy yoga and walks in nature.
Beyond showcasing my professional achievements in the form of publications and patents, I aim for this site to be a collection of interesting contributions I have made also in other areas of my life. You can find a selection of photographies here and some recordings of me singing here.

Ph.D. Efficent strategies for Safety Assurance of ADSs
2019 — Present
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden | Zenseact, Gothenburg, Sweden
M.Sc. Compex Adaptive Systems
2014 — 2016
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Exchange studies - Management and Business
2014 — 2015
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
B.Sc. Engineering Physics
2011 — 2013
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Industrial PhD Student - Financing through WASP
2019 — present
Zenseact, Gothenburg, Sweden
In my PhD I investigate efficient strategies for safety assurance of Automated Driving Systems (ADSs), with a focus on data analysis and statistical models and methods.
Data Analyst || Co-founder of team HADES
2018 — 2019
Zenseact, Gothenburg, Sweden
Starting at Zenseact I was part co-founding the HADES (Highly Autonomous Drive Exposure and Scenarios) team tasked with doing data mining of collected data to extract driving scenarios for scenario-based verification and validation.
Member of the Board
2015 — 2019
Chalmers Studentkår Rekrytering AB
As a board member I was part in creating and improving the management materials to facilitate organisational insights. During my years serving at the board we made significant strides in developing the strategy and business plan of the company to maximise student benefits and create a strong, stable company.
Competence manager Safety, Diagnostics and Autonomous Drive
2017 — 2018
Infotiv, Gothenburg, Sweden
As part of my employment at Infotiv I managed the competence area of safety, diagnostics and autonomous drive within the consulting company. This role allowed me to keep à jour with the current developments within automated driving, safety and diagnostics and to communicate this within the department. Further, I coordinated the team efforts to develop educations within autonomous drive for both internal as well as external use.
Consultant assignment - System Leader, On-board Telematics
2017 — 2018
Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
During my assignment I was working with concept development at On-Board Telematics to realise customer and organisational requests in the best possible way and ensure delivery of a reliant and maintainable telematics system. This required balancing business requests and requirements with technical impact, including discussing requirements and anchoring developed concepts with organisational stakeholders, presenting and delivering decision material to steering groups. The concept development itself required creativity to come up with suitable and practicable solutions to fulfil the requirements from all stakeholders.
Data Scientist
2016 — 2016
Knowit Decision, Gothenburg, Sweden
As a data scientist consultant I was part in analysing customer data, providing insights, visualisations and identifying business opportunities.
UNITECH intern
summer of 2015
Infinion AG, Munich, Germany
Software Engineer
summers of 2012 and 2013
NIRA Dynamics, Linköping, Sweden